
About Clermont Roofing

Clermont Roofing is your trusted expert source for residential or commercial roofing contractor services assisting the Clermont and Lake County communities. We believe that the best compliment we can receive is when a client refers us to one of their friends or family, which is why we strive to provide the best product for our customers with excellent, personalized service at a competitive cost.

We stand behind every new roof or roof repair, offering a Written Workmanship Warranty — which is completely transferable to a new owner in the event that you sell your home.

We use only the finest materials in the industry, installed by our experienced and well trained staff. Each of our roofers has passed a thorough background check, and has undergone extensive training in order to be able to provide our customers with the most reliable, trustworthy and capable team possible.

Clermont Roofing is a licensed Florida Certified Roofing Contractor (ccc1330052). We carry general liability insurance, auto insurance and workers’ compensation insurance to completely protect our customers from all liability during their roofing experience. We look forward to assisting you with all of your roofing needs.

Call Today For A 

352-241-ROOF (7663)